I came across the most adorable little baby carrots at the farmers market one day, plump, happy-looking little orange carrot babies with fresh, jaunty greens. So I bought a couple dozen of them, dashed home and laid them out side-by-side on a piece of white poster board on my patio. Then I dragged over a step stool and perched above them, clicking away with my camera.
So began our Carrot Seed birthday card, a finalist in the International Greeting Cards Awards. The card features one tiny carrot seed with the message on the front: A gift for the gardener who has everything

…and inside:
A 24-carrot birthday card
(and one to grow!)
Happy birthday

I had fun creating our Carrot Seed card. And who knows? Maybe you know a gardening friend who is just the perfect person to get a 24-carrot birthday card!