Introducing our new Bestsellers Birthday Card Package

Bestseller Birthday Card Pack

Did you know that 80% of all everyday cards sold are birthday cards? Yes, you likely would have guessed that birthdays are by far the most popular occasions for sending everyday greeting cards. I can remember as a girl pouring endlessly over birthday cards for my sisters and parents, hoping to find just the perfect card to make them laugh or smile.

Funny and handcrafted do not always go together. Yet at Tickle Cards, we are known as much for humor in our handcrafted birthday cards as we are for touching sympathy and encouraging friendship cards.

We’ve gathered together our six most popular birthday cards for our new Bestseller Birthday Card Package:

Our Hummingbird Garden Starter Kit birthday card features plantable seeds to grow flowers that attract hummingbirds. The hummingbird’s tummy shimmers with hand-applied iridescent green glitter.

Our Birthday Cake with Sprinkles birthday card features little packets of real cake mix and candy sprinkles. It also comes with a silly, playful smile inside.

Our Flamingo birthday card features a flamingo pick adorned with a festive little red bow. This popular humorous birthday card has been a favorite with many card senders who have told us: I know just the person for this card!

Our popular, colorful Confetti birthday card gives the playful fun of a self-starting birthday celebration kit.

Our Van Gogh & Monet birthday card is one of my funny/punny favorites.
Message inside: I’d buy you a Van Gogh if I had the Monet

And our Happy Birthday Song birthday card includes the score & lyrics to the classic birthday tune, along with a colorful metallic music note.
Message inside: Just a little note to wish you a happy birthday

Hope you enjoy them! I had fun designing them, although the hummingbird was really, really hard to draw in Illustrator…sheesh, could they make that software any less intuitive? I’ll figure it out someday…maybe…I hope!