Boy, did you ever expect 2020 to be one of the most mind-boggling years ever? If someone asked you in 2015–What do you see yourself doing in five years?–could you ever have imagined…this? I sure couldn’t. If I were a pre-2020 sci-fi writer submitting a book proposal that just happened to land on an accurate description of 2020, I bet an editor would call me on the carpet for way overdoing the craziness and upheavals of 2020.
So with social distancing in mind, I created “We’re all in this great big pickle together” cards…two cards actually. I really miss getting together with family and friends. One card says inside: Miss you! Can’t wait to be within six feet of you again!

The other I wrote thinking of friends and relatives who may feel isolated. I came up with the other pickle card to send when you just want to let someone know that you’re thinking of them and you’re always there for them.
In the midst of all this separation from friends and loved ones, our pickle cards offer a couple of sweet ways to reach out, stay in touch, lift someone’s spirits & send a smile. You’ll also find a couple of cards that feature tiny hearts of soap to send your love or a great big hug. And for socially distance parties, how about Zoom party invitations that include paper masks party-goers can decorate?
Each great big pickle card features a single pickle cucumber seed. Just hoping we get back to good old normal-sized pickles again soon!